Thursday, January 6, 2011

Entrepreneurial Experience Sharing

Dear all members,

Attachments as below.

UTAR Entrepreneur Talks

Title: Entrepreneurial Experience Sharing


Tan Sri William Cheng
The Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce & Industry of Malaysia (ACCCIM)
Group Chairman & CEO,
The Lion Group

Heritage Hall, Block A, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR), Kampar, Perak

3pm – 5pm, Wed, 26 Jan 2011

Admission: Free, open to UTAR students, staff & public


In the global competitive environment that we live in today, brain power has become the most important success factor for any economies in the world. Developing and developed countries have spent significant effort and resources in developing human resources. One important aspect of human resource development is innovativeness and creativity. Without such attributes the workforce will never be able to create new technology and economic opportunities that can alleviate an economy to the higher level. Entrepreneurial spirit and skill are essential aspects that should be focused on in human resource development if a nation is to be transformed into a knowledge based economy.

In Malaysia it is important to develop a workforce which not only excels technically and professionally but also in opportunities and wealth creation. The development of such workforce should be emphasized in the university. The mindset of the students should be changed to one with strong awareness and courage to start own businesses. Although it is often argued that entrepreneurial instinct cannot be taught through formal education university can at least help to create the awareness, provide training in related skill set, support and nurture students with entrepreneurial interest and instinct.

It is hoped the above objective can be achieved by having experienced business entrepreneurs to talk and share experience with the university community.

Objectives of Talks

It is hoped that UTAR Entrepreneur Talks can achieve the following objectives

1. Sharing of the experience of entrepreneurs of various industry and background with students
2. Motivating students to be more entrepreneurial
3. Sharing with students of the characteristics of a good entrepreneur
4. Sharing with students of the Dos and Don’ts for being a good entrepreneur
5. Sharing with students on general perspective and outlook of global trends in business and industry

Programme Schedule

Each talk shall consist of the following schedule.

1. Welcome remarks and introduction of speaker by UTAR – 5 mins

2. Speech / presentation by speaker – 1 hour

3. Q&A session – 30 mins

4. Closing – 5 mins

*I hope you guys can attend this talk as I am sure we can get a lot of lesson behind the talk. =)

Hope to see you there!


Monday, January 3, 2011

Busines Plan Competition

Guys, please answer these two questions!
1. I have a great business idea and 'AIYA!!! Got people used it already la!! I thought of it few years ago d oh!!'. Experience this before
2. I have this idea, that idea but still remain as idea until now?
Now now you have a chance to turn your ideas into money!! 
There is a business plan competition by Singapore Management University!
This is the link guys. 
If you are interested please form you team or join this!
It's Now or Never guys!!! Take action now!! To an entrepreneur, remember failures are something POSITIVE for us because we have discover new ways not to fail anymore and gain success in the end!! Come on!!!

EgoSky - Wincent Ch'ng Winn Shern
Now or Never